
We offer only the best finance solutions

About Us

WBV is an interim management firm changing and building up the businesses of its Clients that are the owners of mid-size and larger companies. Unlike the regular strategy or operations consultancy, we have successfully taken our intellectual products to implementation, resolving all sorts of issues on the way.

Though we mostly operate in Ukraine, we are nevertheless highly interested in developing cooperation with Clients from other countries.



WBV is an interim management firm changing and building up the businesses of its Clients that are the owners of mid-size and larger companies. Unlike the regular strategy or operations consultancy, we have successfully taken our intellectual products to implementation, resolving all sorts of issues on the way.

Though we mostly operate in Ukraine, we are nevertheless highly interested in developing cooperation with Clients from other countries.


This ac­tiv­ity is a short­ened ver­sion of what we do within our com­pany in­terim man­age­ment ser­vice. Namely, de­vel­op­ing and pre­sent­ing an in­for­ma­tional prod­uct (e.g., a pro­ject con­cept, a busi­ness plan or de­tailed vi­sion of com­pany’s fu­ture de­vel­op­ment) is where our en­gage­ment ends here; in such en­gage­ments we do not or­ga­nize the im­ple­men­ta­tion of the de­vel­oped busi­ness plan.



Due to Ukraine’s con­tin­u­ing un­fa­vor­able in­vest­ment cli­mate, we en­gage our­selves in fi­nan­cial ad­vi­sory ac­tiv­ity very se­lec­tively on a case-by-case basis. Nowa­days, most of it comes down to car­ry­ing out the so-called buyer searches, where we help for­eign strate­gic in­vestors lo­cate and pur­chase a suit­able local com­pany. With the cur­rent low level of for­eign in­vest­ment in­ter­est to­wards Ukraine, such a focus is quite nat­ural, as our Clients here have al­ready de­cided for them­selves that they are ready to in­vest in Ukraine.


Our Clients are emotionally involved in their business and understand it well. Moreover, our most productive cooperation takes place when there is clearly one majority owner willing to follow the details of our common company development efforts and authorized to make decisions. We also have successful cases of cooperation with companies owned by several owners, yet in such cases all owners still have to be willing to follow the details of our common company development/reorganization efforts.

Most of our Clients are not against disclosing the fact of our cooperation. Yet, because we describe (although in general terms) some stories of cooperation on our website, if we listed our Client names here, then linking some stories to specific Clients would be quite easy. And most of them would not be willing to disclose such information to the general public. Therefore, at our discretion we only share such (still non-confidential) information with potential Clients during personal meetings. Some of our Clients also do not mind if our potential Clients call them for a reference about us.
